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Kenyan cuisine Introduction  

Kenya''s natural rich, fertile volcanic soils in the Great Rift Valley produced many fresh vegetables, while the coastal areas of rich tropical fruit and fresh seafood. On the Kenya long as the colonies of European countries, Western-style meals are quite common and authentic. A large number of Asian-American residents for a large number of Indian, Pakistani and other subcontinent-style hotel. Coastal areas is well-known cooking, the birthplace of Swahili, which is the combination of a Middle East and African cooking, but also contains the flavor of the coastal areas.
Kenya over the climate suitable for outdoor dining. You can start with a rich jungle breakfast day adventure, the last in Kenya''s stunning sunsets drinking a drink to get rid of the fatigue of travel.
Hawaiian fruit
Hawaiian fruit contains large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, also contains 15% to 20% of high-quality protein and a dozen amino acids, these amino acids constitute the main component of brain cells. Nuts in the brain cells of vitamin B1, B2, B6, vitamin E and calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other content is higher. Therefore, eat nuts very beneficial for improving brain nutrition, especially for pregnant women and children consumption.
Ugali (Wu Jiali) is a very popular staple food in Kenya. This is basically a dense polenta, and serve when a chunk of fresh cooking bricks like. The Ugali (Wujia Li) breaking off pieces and eaten with meat, stews, or vegetables.
Kenyans like seafood, unique seafood-processing practices, it is worth a taste.
Grilled fish
Kenya flavor of grilled fish, rack slowly over charcoal baked, coupled with the endemic mysterious spices and vegetables.
Flavor barbecue
Kenyans is amazing love meat. Nyama Choma (Naya Ma Chu Ma) is one of Kenya''s most famous dishes, the simple meaning of the word "barbecue". Usually slow roasted on the campfire or charcoal, when coupled with a mixed green vegetables Zhuangpen.

Date: 2012/5/31 Read:3899times

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